Values: Getting Started

Let’s get started on a journey together.

Recently, I’ve been reading a book called “The Values Factor” by Dr. John Demartini. I learned about this book through Keala and was introduced to the concepts during one of Keala’s discussions.

Since then, I have completed a few exercises in correctly naming my values. I bring this up to build a foundation for future conversations.

Understanding what people are discussing is always easier when you have a common frame of reference.

Therefore, I encourage you to get a copy of the book, the audiobook, or the kindle version and dive into the concepts Dr. Demartini presents.

Know thyself, be thyself, love thyself.

To start, we’ll dive a little more into what values are relative to our conversation.

Often, we think of values as characteristics we want to adhere to, including things like honor, integrity, trustworthiness, etc.

While these are noble, for the context of our conversation, we will set these aside and dig a bit deeper. Chapter 2 of “The Values Factor” steps you through determining your greatest values.

If you perform these exercises and answer honestly, you may find that what you think your values should be and what they are do not align. Because they do not align, we have internal strife and conflict, contributing to negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and internalized judgment.

I encourage you to perform the exercise to determine your true values.

This series of newsletters will focus on understanding how this impacts our view of ourselves and colors our world.

This framework for our foundation is critically important to the discussion.

I pray you will find it helpful and enlightening as you begin this journey with me.

Blessing to you, my friend,

– Justin
Until we chat again, let’s rock and roll!


