Values: Real and Raw

Have you picked up your copy of The Values Factor by Dr. John Demartini? If you have, have you completed the exercises?

I hope you are joining me along this journey through the book and applying the concepts.

This week, I wanted to call out one of the highlights I made in my copy.

“If there is one thing my time on earth has taught me, it is the remarkable ability of human beings to overcome obstacles, transform their most challenging situations, and find profound meaning in their lives. But the key to this transformation – each and every time – is the Values Factor”

Dr. John Martini – The Values Factor

This weekend, I found myself at the crossroads of my challenge and support. After our family dog had to be laid to rest, my values had to come into play. I had to seek the two top values, growth, and knowledge (learning) rely on these to press forward with the challenging event.

“…the maximum growth occurs on the border of challenge and support.”

Dr. John Martini – The Values Factor

Loss, perhaps, is one of the top 5 voids in a person’s life. Some experience this type of void early in life, and others later. Some experience it often, and others rarely. Regardless, the fact is that loss creates a void, and that void takes some time to fill. Losing a pet, though not identical, is similar to losing a mother, father, brother, or sister. They are integral parts of our family and daily lives. They bring us joy, laughter, and frustration and are always there to support us when we need it the most. This weekend, we had to partake in the loss of our family dog. And any time that happens, your values are put to the test.

My top values include growth and knowledge. During the difficult decision to let our family puppy go without causing suffering, I had to lean on these to comfort each of my kids. The loss of our pet is an opportunity for them to grow as they learn more about loss and deal with emotions such as sadness and as they hurt. At the same time, I had to use my top values to grow as I watched my children deal with their feelings. Sure, they are sad, and as my son says, “I miss Camry.” But he follows it up with simple knowledge and truth, “At least we have pictures.”

As if to say, we still have the memories of our beloved pet to keep us warm; he grew ten inches in knowledge this weekend with the painful loss of our pet. Additionally, these events have reminders and lessons about the power of walking together through challenges.

As you embark on your journey alongside me, I want to emphasize that I am on your journey with you. As you desire feedback and want to grow and learn according to your own values, I want to assist you.

The best way for me to do that is to know a little more about you. Feel free to drop me a line through messenger, email, or comments, and let me know your values. What are your dealings and challenges that you’ll allow me to walk through beside you? Together we can see your goals and dreams become a reality.

Blessings to you, my friend,

Until we chat again, let’s rock and roll!



